FREJDA — Malmö

Content management committee is looking to grow!

Det här uppdraget går inte att anmäla sig till längre.


Do you want to be part of developing a new organization? Do you want to develop content for social media? FREJDA is looking for Content management committee members to develop content for our social media and market our podcasts and events. With your help, we can reach more students and young professionals! 

FREJDA is an organization that aims to make the transition between academia and working life easier for students in the social sciences. As an organization founded by social scientists, we are well aware of the lack of information for those entering working life. We provide tips and trix from people with experience in the labor market and are developing a databank that collects and provides employer information.

We are looking for someone with experience or an interest in learning more about social media, content creation and/or marketing. Part of your responsibilities as a member of the Content Management committee is developing content for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and/or Youtube. There is a possibility to have more responsibility for one social media site or type of content. You also get the opportunity to work closely with the Event and Podcast committees when marketing their activities. As part of a team, you share and divide these tasks with the rest of the Content Management committee. 

As much of the work is done in a team setting, we are looking for someone who can work in a team but also manage tasks on your own time. We work mostly in Canva, where you will have access to our templates, and in-app editing softwares but you can work with the programs you feel comfortable with. Some content creation or social media experience is a merit, but we are strong believers in the principle of learning by doing. You will get support from the rest of the committee and the Head of your committee.

We are looking forward to your applications!

Minsta åtagande

About 2-5 hours of week. This is flexible and can be adjusted to your preference.

När och var sker uppdraget

Partially independent work on your own time with occasional committee meetings.




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