Lyssnare Utan Gränser — Malmö

Be part of organizing activities for kids

Det här uppdraget går inte att anmäla sig till längre.


My name is Indi. In purpose of my internship, I organize activities for children who live in Brf Ida,  
Rosengård. I'm looking for someone who's willing to help and support me with these activities. Even if it is just one day a week. The activities vary, we do some baking, some crafting and we will work around Halloween and Christmas that are comming up. 

Minsta åtagande

I'm looking for someone who is available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday but even if you can help me out one day a week, you're more than welcome.

När och var sker uppdraget

The activities is taking place every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 17 o'clock until 19 o'clock. Located at Sjöblads Väg 25 in Rosengård




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