West Pride — Göteborg

Be the difference – become a volunteer at West Pride

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West Pride is a non-profit organisation working to improving HBTQI individuals way of life. We arrange an art and culture festival in Gothenburg, free for all to visit.
In 2024 we have divided the Pride period in Pre-Pride May 13 to June 9 and the Pride festival, June 10 to June 16.

What do I do?
Volunteering at West Pride can mean different things, all depending on your interests and skills. From being a photographer, answering questions in an information centre or assisting other volunteers with lunches, refreshments and having time to take a break.

Most volunteers will be working during the Pride festival, June 10 to June 16. There is no must, all volunteers are welcome! In some cases you will be asked if you can volunteer during the Pre-Pride period, May 13 to June 9.
At the Pride Parade June 15, we need lots of volunteers to help out with everything from guiding the parade to help people finding their group.

Depending on what area you will be designated to you will work in different locations. All locations are in central Gothenburg like Stadsbiblioteket (Gothenburg Public Library) and Nordstan.

What do you get?
You will be making a difference for all HBTQI individuals’ life. Take the stand, be the hero! You will also be given meals and snacks while you volunteer. You get to borrow a t-shirt and you will be part of a happy and joyful group. There might also be a goodie bag in the end.

Please also take a look at all our other assignments within West Pride.

Minsta åtagande

The minimum required time is 8 hours during the Pride festival (exeptions can be made) and 4 hours in May where you will meet all other volunteers and recive some training.

När och var sker uppdraget

The festival takes place in different locations in central Gothenburg, Pride Park will be on Kungstorget. Pride House is at Stadsbiblioteket. So exactly where you will be working depends on which area you are volunteering in. West Pride festival takes place between June 10 and 16. The Pride Parade is June 15. Pride House will stay open on June 16.






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