Schysst Jul, Uppsala — Uppsala

Do you want to be a part of a christmas that supports the environment and human rights? (Afternoon)

Det här uppdraget går inte att anmäla sig till längre.


Every year "Schysst jul", a christmas market is organized where you can buy responsibly produced christmas presents with consideration for human rights and the environment. The market is for everyone who wants to support organizations that work to make the world a better place. In addition to the christmas gifts, there is opportunity to take part in information about how you can get involved and learn about different ways to be part of change. There is a program of lectures and performances as well as lunch and "fika".

Now we are looking for volunteers who want to join us and make christmas a little farirer with us! After the market we need volunteers that can help clean and put in order the premises. Through you contribution you get the opportunity to meet and network with the organizations that are involved in in organizing the event. 

Welcome to submit your application of interest!

Behind Schysst jul are: Fair trade shop Globalen, Uppsala Missionkyrka, Uppsala Fair Trade City, Studieförbundet Bilda and Volontärbyrån

Minsta åtagande

25th of november 16.00-20.00

När och var sker uppdraget

Missionkyrkan S:t Olofsgatan 40, 753 32 Uppsala, 25th of november 16.00-20.00





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