RFSL Uppsala — Uppsala

Volunteer for upcoming events and activities within RFSL Uppsala


RFSL Uppsala was founded in 1970 and is Uppsala's largest queer rights organization. Our main focus is on community and social support through our groups, but we also do activism, education, collaborations and events like Pride.

There will be a hike and a cookout in Stadsskogen (Blåhajk), a bowling evening, and much more. Many things are coming up and more is to come. RFSL Uppsala are now looking for volunteers for these upcoming events.

Positions available until the year ends.

Minsta åtagande

One-time mission

När och var sker uppdraget

Physically in our offices at Ljusbärargatan 2 and around Uppsala län, also digitally. Event dates will soon be found on our social media’s.


The accessibility differs between the missions




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