Action10 — Stockholm

Creative fundraisers for empowerment of social entrepreneurs in Sub Sahara

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We are looking for diligent, passionate, organised people to join Action10 as volunteers in Team Sweden. 
Action10 is a 100 % volunteer driven fundraising organisation with the aim to create change in Sub Saharan Africa through empowerment of local social entrepreneurs. In Sweden we are 20+ volunteers organised in a working Board and three teams with specific missions: Team Media, Team Africa and Team Sweden. 

Your contribution

The focus of Team Sweden is fundraising and partnering in Sweden. Every Team Sweden member is responsible for a specific task within the Team’s projects and assignments such as: 
  • building and maintaining relationships with our donors and potential new supporters 
  • organising physical and online events to further cross-cultural awareness a and attract funding
  • generating and realizing new fundraising ideas and initiatives
Working in Team Sweden requires residence in the Stockholm area. 
Interested? Have a look at the qualifications we are looking for!   

Your profile 

Action10 needs people who have:
  • cross-cultural understanding and sensitivity
  • organisational skills, such as setting goals and deadlines 
  • experience in customer relationship management
  • experience in organising events
  • excellent knowledge of written and spoken English
You and Action10 will be a great match if you are:
  • a self starter with a creative mindset 
  • a strong communicator and a team player
  • interested in developing your performance evaluation skills
Experience from working in Africa or with African organisations and companies will be an advantage. More importantly, however, you need to be on board with the idea that we work towards trust, empowerment and resilience through equal partnership, not aid dependency.


  • We kindly ask that you only apply if you are able to join the organisation for a longer volunteer period (preferably 9 - 12 months minimum).
  • On a weekly basis, you should be prepared to commit a minimum of 5 hours of independent work. 

Action10 has scheduled meetings every first Tuesday and Wednesday of each month, after office hours. Teams convene frequently enough to maintain momentum. 

About Action10

Action10 is a non-profit organisation headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. Our vision is a world without poverty. Our mission is to address the challenges expressed by local social entrepreneurs who operate in poor areas that hinder them from implementing their ideas. We aim to work as an equal partner and strive to remain a partner until the project is self-sustained. 
Action10 is operating under the umbrella of Human Rights & Science (HR&S), a social enterprise registered in Sweden. HR&S empowers scientific research, innovation & business through training, coaching, and business loans. Working with Action10 you will learn the same strategies that HR&S has developed for  our Sub Saharan partners.
Action10 is entirely volunteer driven. Each and everyone of us is deeply committed, because we are in a position where we are relied upon by our fellow volunteers, and the individuals running our projects in Sub-Saharan African countries.
Do you strongly feel that the world should be a better place for everyone to live in? Then be a part of creating change, be a part of Action10.
We are looking forward to hearing from you! 

Minsta åtagande

5-10 hours per week for a period of 9-12 months.

När och var sker uppdraget

On site in Stockholm and online.




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