Media Evolution — Malmö

Editorial team - The Conference 2023

Det här uppdraget går inte att anmäla sig till längre.


Are you a journalist or a communications student (or have editorial work experience) and want to be part of the biggest and most colorful  conference in southern Sweden?
During two days in August curious minds from all over the world meet to listen and discuss topics on digital development, futures, sustainability, design and the human-machine relationship.
As a volunteer in The Conference Editorial Team you have an important job of collecting, condensing and presenting the knowledge and insights shared by our speakers. You’ll listen in and take notes during the talks and write short summaries for our video archive and copy for our social media channels, working closely with our communication department. 
This is a great fit if you want to add some writing and copy to your portfolio, get the chance to experience some first class speakers and be part of the small but mighty event that is The Conference.The Editorial Team joins the festival during and adjacent to the 29-30th August and You’ll work 6-7 hours over the two days. Together we’ll create world class content and an amazing library of knowledge.
(It's ok to answer in Swedish)

Minsta åtagande

August 28-31th

När och var sker uppdraget

The Conference is 29-30th of august at Slagthuset in Malmö





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