Global Shapers Malmö — Malmö

Global Shapers by WEF - Looking for Communications reponsible / Kommunikatör

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Global Shapers Malmö is thrilled to announce the application call for joining our team and community. We are seeking passionate young individuals, aged 18 to 27, with a strong commitment to individual and collective impact. Our newest project, "Climate Champions," is generously funded and supported by the World Economic Forum and the Climate Reality Project, we also run projects related to youth financial litteracy amonth other. 

We are looking for an individual who want to run the communications team which includes operating social media, communicating with global representatives and international partners. Professional experience within communication is not required however share with us why you would be a great person for the role & Team. 

Our focus is on both social and environmental sustainability empowering the local youth in Malmö Region.

About Global Shapers Malmö:

Born out of the World Economic Forum, the Global Shapers Community is a network of inspiring young people under 30 who work together to address local, regional, and global challenges. With over 10,000 members, the Global Shapers Community spans 510 city-based hubs in 154 countries. In each city, Shapers teams organize themselves to create projects that address the specific needs of their communities. These projects are diverse, ranging from responding to disasters and combating poverty to addressing climate change and building inclusive societies. Shapers come from diverse backgrounds in terms of expertise, education, income, and ethnicity but are united by their desire to create change.

Criteria – As an Ideal Candidate:
(Note: These are not strict requirements.)

  • You care about the city/region you live in and are generally aware of the challenges it faces.
  • You have a passion for promoting positive societal and global impact.
  • You thrive in team collaboration and cooperative environments.
  • You have perseverance and can overcome setbacks.
  • You have experience working in civil society, government, NGO, and/or corporate environments.
  • You can commit to dedicating 2-4 hours per week, depending on the project.

P.S. Passionate individuals often connect with others who share their passion, so please feel free to recommend like-minded individuals to apply.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. To learn more about Global Shapers, please visit:

Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of Global Shapers Malmö and making a positive impact on our community and the world. We can't wait to welcome you to our team!

Christian & the Curatorship of Global Shapers Malmö

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2-4 hours per week

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