Media Evolution — Malmö

Production Crew - The Conference 2023

Det här uppdraget går inte att anmäla sig till längre.


The Conference is a two-day conference (Aug 29-30) where curious minds from all over the world meet at Slagthuset in Malmö to delve further into the promises and pitfalls of digital development and the human and machine relationship.
As a volunteer at The Conference, you'll experience the production of a big event. It will give you a chance to meet new people from all over the world and to get in contact with a lot of companies in the digital sphere. You'll also be able to listen to some of the inspiring talks. It's a mix of hard work and responsibility, but also a great opportunity to get some sought-after volunteer work on your CV.
The pre-production of The Conference starts in June. There will be a chance to be a part of the production team during June and August. Tasks during the pre-production includes preparing the scenography, building, painting and other fun stuff.

Minsta åtagande

August 25-31th, but you participate the days you can (in other words; it is ok to not be participate every day). Pre-production for those who wants and can some days and evenings in June and August.

När och var sker uppdraget

The Conference is 29-30th of august at Slagthuset in Malmö





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