RFSL Uppsala — Uppsala

RFSL Uppsala's nomination for trustee positions is open!

Det här uppdraget går inte att anmäla sig till längre.


Dear volounteers!
Now RFSL Uppsalas trustee positions are open for nomination!
Have you always wondered what Uppsala's municipality is actually doing to improve conditions for Uppsala's queer community?
Have you wanted to make even bigger queer events in Uppsala?
Do you want to create even more, bigger and better safe spaces for Uppsala's queer community to call home?

The board of RFSL Uppsala is the hub for all people who want to care for the queer community of Uppsala. More information about the different positions and what they do you will find on our homepage:

Warm welcome!
Anton and Kellen, the Election committee

Minsta åtagande

1 year mandate

När och var sker uppdraget

Uppsala center or remotely.


Office has threshold-free entrance and elevator.




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    Dag, helg, kväll

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